Bring clarity and insight to broken connections.

Systemic Constellation work was originally named “Family Constellation Work”. The work’s founder, Bert Hellinger, died an elder of 94 in 2019. 

burt hellinger

Systemic Constellation Work owes its genesis to Bert and the Zulu people of Africa.  As a young man, Bert managed to avoid extended duty with the SS during WWII, when he became a Catholic priest and was subsequently sent to Africa – landing for some 16 years in a Zulu village.  His understanding of how the Zulu lived as a holistic system, created 3 foundational principles for what emerged later in Family Constellation Work as “The 3 Orders of Love”.

3 Orders Of Love

you belong


Everyone in a system has a right to belong.

social order matters


Social order matters and there is inherent strength in it.

give and take

Give and Take

Love & energy in family & natural systems flows when there is a balance of giving and receiving.

Systemic Constellation work helps us confirm that we are way more than our logical, rational selves. 

More On Systemic Constellations

When Bert Hellinger returned to Europe post-WWII, he became a psychotherapist, had a passion for Taoism, and wove phenomenological principles (connected to German philosophers like Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, and Martin Buber) with the emergence of Family Constellations.

Bert believed that if talking therapy was the answer, people would not continue to go back to their therapists repeatedly for years. The process of Constellation Work cuts through talking “around” issues and elicits the often hidden dynamics at work in a family system.

Generational trauma shows up in a constellation as a repetitive pattern, and the constellation process itself often has the effect of “seeing” the pattern and the price family members pay to keep the pattern in motion. The work sees beyond the dualism of victim, perpetrator, villain, bystander, etc…  Guilt and innocence are re-framed through what Hellinger calls The Three Levels of Conscience – Personal, Family, and Greater Whole. Most of the issues people bring forward are “stuck” in the realm of Family or Tribal Conscience.

Family Constellations

Systemic Constellation Work can bring clarity and insight to broken family connections as related to what Hellinger called The Greater Forces  – such as war, immigration, genocide, pandemics, poverty, religion, radiation, climate change, etc… Forces we often have no control over and have a generational effect on family systems.  Surprisingly, one family member can begin to look at an unwanted pattern/issue of their own, and a constellation can begin shifting the whole system, such that openings for mending and alignment begin to unfold and flow.  Systemic Constellation Work often has a wide-angle lens attached – meaning clients often leave the process with the relieving insight they are one small member of a much bigger system.

This process work can be successfully facilitated in a one-on-one, group, and online setting.

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